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Annual General Meeting 2024

Our Annual General Meeting is coming up on Wednesday 2nd October, 7pm at St Barnabas church hall in Langney. The AGM is a chance to contribute to the policies and creative direction of the society, and to vote in your new committee for the year ahead.


For those involved in HMS Pinafore, the AGM will be directly followed by rehearsal at 8pm


Anyone can attend the AGM, but you must be a paid up member to vote on committee members or other business. Membership fees are now due (unless you have just joined us and paid subs within the last two months, in which case your membership will roll over). Visit the Join Us page to find out how to join.

Join the Committee

We always welcome any members to volunteer for a role on the committee. If you would like to help steer the direction of the society and contribute in practical ways to productions and events, please put yourself forward. We meet once a month and there is usually cake!


You must be a paid up member to volunteer, and you will need another member to nominate you. If you are nominating someone else, please ensure they are happy to be nominated.


Please submit your nominations by 24th September so that we can collate them for voting on the night.


There are four formally elected roles and three others which will be assigned at the first meeting of the new committee. You can indicate on the form below which areas you feel most able to contribute to.


Formally Elected Roles

The four formally elected roles (with brief descriptions) are:


Chairperson -  Leads the committee in its ongoing remit to uphold the society's mission and values, including the chairing of meetings and being a spokesperson for the society.


Vice Chair - Supports and assists the chairperson, and stands in when the chairperson is indisposed. The vice chair would also be expected to take on an additional practical role as below.


Treasurer - Maintains and manages the society finances and produces financial reports


Secretary - Responsible for internal communication, minuting meetings, organising rehearsal venues and other administrative duties.


General Committee Members


In addition, we need general committee members who are willing to contribute to the following areas. These roles will be discussed and assigned at the first committee meeting after the AGM.


Marketing, Publicity & Digital - promoting productions through the media and advertising, organising promotional events, managing digital assets


Fundraising - Organising fundraising events and activities including sponsorship, patrons scheme, pursuing funding and paid event opportunities.


Business Management - Managing production budgets, overseeing contracts and supporting production team in business related matters such as venue liaison.


Members & Patrons liaison - Collecting membership and patron fees, addressing member concerns, organising social events, leading recruitment activities and strategy.



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